Saturday, March 5, 2011

G's still trying to figure it all out ...

My poor DH.  He's trying to be supportive and learn some of the ins and outs of WW and is still completely confused.  The other day he was like "wow seems like you can eat a lot on this diet".  Yes, yes I can if I eat the right things.  Then last night he looked at me, a bit defeated and said, "Can I still make you breakfast on the weekends?"   Oh how I love my husband.  He is far from a master in the kitchen, but for as long as I can remember he's been making me breakfast on the weekends.  Not every day of every weekend, or every weekend for that matter, but if we're home and hungry around noon I get a delicious plate of whatever he decides to make.  Usually, it's eggs and toast, sometimes with bacon or he'll whip up some french toast.

I know he doesn't love the kitchen like I do, and I would never ever give up these breakfasts that he makes just for me.  Well, he eats too, but he doesn't whine or complain about being in the kitchen, he just does it so it feels very much like it is all for me.  It's way better than a dozen roses.   I mean breakfast and a dozen roses would be cool, but I would take a breakfast made with love any day over roses.

As I'm sure we all know, eggs and toast is just fine for breakfast especially if it's more like brunch because we slept in.  So, when he asked about breakfast I giggled, turned to him and was like of course you can still make me breakfast.  I may nix the bacon, but eggies and toast are a total go.  I saw a smile spread across his face and I'm pretty sure tomorrow morning (he's at paintball today) I will be getting a delicious plate of breakfast.  I'm excited already!


  1. That is so adorable. G's a keeper! FYI he does make some awesome eggs. My hubby is afraid of the kitchen. I think the only thing he does in there is toast bread. Good thing I like to cook, eh? :)

  2. Haha ya you did have his eggs. He totally fucked up the pancakes, but eggs he can do without misreading a recipe. I mean honestly after our kitchen disasters we can't give him too much crap for screwing up pancakes.


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