Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weigh Day Fun Tip

I haven't weighted in yet, but I want to post now, so I'll tell you how I did later ... maybe I'll just add it to this post here, I'm lazy like that.


My fun tip was going to be that little weight loss chart someone *cough* CB *cough* posted yesterday, but it's ok I there are more fun tips to be had.

Over the course of the past few years, I've tried to remove more and more processed foods from my diet.  They're just not good for you no matter what the fat, fiber, carbs and protein on the side say.  It's not always the nutrition specifics that are the problem, its the actual ingredients that are less than appealing.   I get giddy when I read food labels and I actually know what everything is.  And I don't mean know, like I know this random scientific word, I mean know like I have it in my pantry.  I think it's sad that it's exciting to see familiar foods in the ingredients list.  That should be the norm, not the exception.

I don't have huge hang ups about my weight, for me, it's all about being healthier I need to lose weight to be healthier, but a huge part of that is fueling my body with things that are good for me.  So ... I bring to you the greatest iphone app of all time ... Fooducate (an android app is coming in the near future).  This is seriously the coolest app ever.  You can just scan the barcodes of the food you're looking to nosh on and it will pop up with all sorts of wonderful information.  First off, it gives the food a letter grade based on how good it is for you, then it tells you all the reasons good and bad why it got that grade ... so cool, and last, but certainly not least, it gives you the "foodpoints" score aka the points plus value.  They use fractions of a point, so just round up and you have your points.  Everything I've tried it on has been right on with the points.

They also have an amazing blog where you can take a look at the 37 ingredients that make up a twinkie, a happy meal that just won't decompose or you can try to figure out what this is (I totally knew because I'm so freaking smart).


  1. Oops! Sorry I stole your tip. Consider it a compliment? lol

  2. Oh and I agree with Fooducate app. It's ah-maze-ing and time saver. The only thing that kinda sucks is that it doesn't have info on store brand stuff. I'm cheap so I usually buy store brand. ;)

  3. Yes, but you can take the pictures and eventually it will get added. It's still a newer app. I added store brand stuff when I was at the grocery store last week and got an email saying they got it, but because so many people are sending in stuff it will take a little bit to get added. And I take that as a sign that it's going to have everything at some point because users are helping to generate stuff and clearly lots of users are helping to add stuff.

  4. Ohh and I guessssss I can forgive you for using my tip hahaha. It's totally no biggie, you know this


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